Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where is the change President Obama?

           It seems as if there is misconception surrounding the people who critique or question President Barack Obama's policies and actions. Most African Americans who do it are said to be "bashing" him or not giving him enough time. When a white person does it, some would go as far as to call them racist. (Everything dealing with Black People isn't about race) I for one agree with some of the Presidents actions but I still am VERY critical of him because of the campaign that he ran. Most people forgot that the whole theme behind the campaign was change & honestly there hasnt been much in the two years he has been in office. Dr. Cornel West is the latest, and probably the most influential, person to realistically look at & critque what is going on in the Obama Administration. Ironically, the White House isnt concerned with WHY he is critical & what can be done to resolve the issue. They choose to focus on why he didn't try to approach them in a closed door behind ths scenes type of meeting. Doesn't that sound like the way that things are normally done in DC, what happened to transparency & CHANGE. The other reason that they seem to be concerned, is because Dr. West has a large influence in the African American community.  If someone of his stature were to back a different candidate, that would be disastrous to the Presidents Re-election bid.  We dont expect him to be "Super African American Man", but at least focus on some of the points that you campaigned (& got elected) on. I know he has a opposing party to work with but so did Reagan, Clinton, & Bush and the still overcame that because they held true to their title as  Commander & Chief not Compromiser & Negotiator.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We Have Got To Do Better

         As  PROUD Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University GRADUATE, I feel a little bit personal about this post. We as a people must do better to help uphold the image of the African American people in positive manor. I say that to say this, we have got to stop supporting ignorance & condoning inappropriate public behavior. We have all these so called "Reality Shows" where the people on there at times seem more scripted & staged more than the day time Soap Operas that my grandma use to watch. When you represent these Institutions of Higher Learning, you represent everyone associated with them in one way or another so you have govern yourself accordingly. There is place & time for everything. Instead of uploading footage of "wild shit" why don't you upload footage of the protests & rally's of real people who's pensions, jobs, and salaries are on the line because of pending legislation. Or when you are BLESSED enough to be on a certain level where you are seen by so many people, that you display the utmost respect for you, everything, and everyone that you represent.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Food For Thought.

             In light of the recent Al Sharpton & Cornel West verbal sparing match, I got to thinking about something that most people don't even think about. While where out here looking for President Barack Obama to be this Super African American Man, he isn't the 1st ethnic head of state in the world. You see it is the United States & it's fucked up perception of they way thing's should be that is the problem here. I to have been critical of him & his administration but, at the same time we have to be realistic with him.We as a nation must REEVALUATE  the way that each & everyone one of us thinks about EVERYTHING. Understand if your being feed bullshit or Prime Rib.

******Let me get one thing straight now before there are ANY MISUNDERSTANDING about me, I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM AFFILIATED OR SUPPORT ANYTHING THAT THE TEA PARTY AS GOING ON. If you don't like it you can keep that to yourself because I really don't care.**********

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is the GOP trying to sabotage President Obama?

With the constant threat of a Government shut down in the horizon, I started to think WHY? Could it be possible that the GOP be trying to sabotage President Obama's re-election bid already? It sure seems so. The GOP never made a peep when President Bush raised the debt ceiling but when President Obama did it they couldn't stop talking. Now they want to implement another short term "Band-Aide" budget that will fund the Government for a week. WTF. I have no doubt that when election time nears, the GOP will try to pin this whole budget mess on him, when in fact its the GOP who is being unreasonable. Keep your eyes, ears, & mind open folks.