Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dane County, WI Judge halts Collective Bargaining Law

Am I the only one who thinks that their is a major problem with politics as they stand today. When did it become good policy to balance your budget on the salaries of Public Servants, Police, & Teachers. Most of these people live check to check & cant afford ANY type of pay cut & should be given raises for the work that they do. It's not only problem in Wisconsin & Florida, but it's becoming an epidemic across the United States. At least the Honorable Judge Maryann Sumi in Wisconsin saw that there was a problem with Governor Scott Walker's newest legislation that realistically stripped Wisconsin Labor Unions of their right to negotiate salaries, benefits, & whatever else they felt the need to negotiate. She granted an injunction that temporarily blocks the law from being enacted, until they can further determine if any laws were broken in the process of developing this law. Now I've always been told that adults solve their problems with words, but it doesn't seem like the Wisconsin Governor want's to handle things that way. We live in a democracy & not a dictatorship, everyone should have the right to "collectively bargain" when they have a issue with another person or organization. Or we could just handle things like the Libyans & Egyptians, which would you like Mr. Politician?

Dane County judge halts collective bargaining law - JSOnline

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