Friday, September 21, 2012

The Infamous 47%

        So by now you must have heard about the Republican Presidential Candidate Willard Mitt Romney's controversial remarks regarding 47% of the US Population who pay no taxes. If not Click Here & check it out, go ahead i'll wait......... Now that your caught up you can CLEARLY see that this man is not fit to serve as Commander & Chief of this Great Nation. But Romney didn't stop at insulting 47% of the nation, he also sounded clueless & totally insensitive to a very unstable situation in Israel. "Let the chips fall where they may', what kind of Foreign Policy is that for a Presidential Candidate to be pushing on the campaign trail?
        Now before I get totally in bash Romney mode, I wanted to take a deeper look at who exactly the 47% that Mr. Romney was talking about not caring or worrying about. That 47% includes College Students, Soldiers, Old Folks, & the Working Poor. But what Mr Romney fails to mention is that these very folks folks still pay some kind of tax to Uncle Sam. But they wont tell you or them very wealthy folks that either. In one sentence Romney proved to America that he actually does not give 2 shits about the Working Class,  Poor People or the Elderly. If you think things are bad now, just imagine if this guy wins the election. In the words of my father, "AH PURE FUCKERY".
        Candidate Romney went on to say that in order to win he only has to sway 5-10% of the Independent/ Undecided Voters. I don't know about y'all but I feel insulted by him even feeling comfy enough to plot on taking over the nation like this. But i'm not sure if those numbers are still true after this video got leaked (S/O to the mufucka who leaked this shit). Republicans have been distancing themselves from Romney since the video got released & I don't blame them. Nobody likes hanging around the losers.
        Now to be honest he was telling the truth in saying that 47% of the nation doesn't pay taxes, but they have a pretty darn good reason. THEY BARELY MAKE ANY MONEY. The bulk of these people are barely making it check to check & a even larger number of these households are headed by a Elderly person (Technically they may have paid a Income Tax at some point in their long life). Most of these household bring in well less than $30,000 a year & as everyone knows, that Salary barely pays the bills  takes care of the kids.
        Long Story short, Mitt Romney does not give a shit about YOU. YES YOU the so called Republican who is living check to check & all your associates are voting for Barack Obama. But since you are a Hard Lined Republican you can't see that the last couple of Republicans that ran or won the Presidency totally fucked up the country or had a fucking horrible vision for it. And i'm pretty sure the rest of the 47% knew how Mitt Romney felt about us, i'm just glad that the rest of the nation sees it now to.

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