Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This could have been the Boston Massacre Part 2

        First & foremost let me send my prayers & condolences out to the families of the 3 people killed & more than 130 that were injured by today's cowardly actions. Now before I jump into the meat & potatoes of dissecting  today's bitch ass actions I'll give you a little background info on the scene of today's crime.

        If do not reside in the State of Massachusetts then you probably didn't realize that today was a state holiday called Patriots Day. This holiday is in observation of the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. So this means that it technically was a 3 day holiday for the state concluding with a Boston Red Sox's Game & the Boston Marathon. Not everyone can get into the baseball game so naturally more people would be at the Boston Marathon making it the more ideal target for a terrorist. I don't doubt for one moment that there was more than enough security at the Boston Marathon but none the less they got us. The silver lining in this horrendous event is that, IN MY OPINION, this could have been way worse.

       Now you can look at whatever report that you choose to look at & see that their were two bombs that exploded & two that did not. The crazy thing is that all 3 of the 4 bombs are confirmed to be all along the same route down Boylston Street. The bombs that did not detonate are thought to be located between the 1st & 2nd explosions which went off within 15-20 seconds of each other. That means that had those bombs went off then the whole last leg of the Boston Marathon would have been bombed potentially killing & maiming hundreds. Thankfully terrorists are getting sloppy out here.

       The question now is, Who Did It?  Their are early reports that a Saudi Arabian man has been detained for questioning, but it is still to early to officially call him a suspect. Could it be another Domestic Terrorist trying to get back at "The Establishment" or "The Man". Mexican Drug Cartels pissed off at our efforts to stop their flow of drugs into the U.S. North Korea?????? Ehhhhh I doubt it. (But I would not be surprised). Unfortunately no one has a answer to the question, but President Obama & Seal Team 6 will be on their ass soon. Once again I am very happy that this did not turn into the Boston Massacre Part 2.


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