Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The REAL reason Why Black Women are Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?

               1st of all let me just say, Are you fucking kidding me?  For those who are still in the dark, a  Evolutionary Scientist by the name of Satoshi Kanazawa wrote a blog post claiming that Black women are less physically attractive than other races because of their high levels of testosterone.  Whatever, I'm not going to turn this into a bah session on him because there's been enough of that already.. I'm in no way a Evolutionary Scientist & my college degree is in Public Administration, but I grew up surrounded by  Black women & I can tell you why SOME are less attractive than other races. 
             First of all lets focus on the mouth of the Black women. You would (or maybe you wouldn't) be surprised to know what kind of words that are capable of coming from out of those pretty lips. Some of those words can be well deserved at times, but SOME Black women have a knack for continuously nagging or being verbally abusive for no absolute reason. That in itself can make a Black women less attractive.
             Another trait that can lead to SOME Black women being less attractive than other races is the "Golddigger" label. As old as a label as it is, it's still relevant today. I can't tell you how many times that I have PERSONALLY witnesed young & older ladies gravitating towards the gentleman who appear to be "Balling". Some even go as far as to say statement's like "I ain't fucking for free". Excuse me ms., isn't that prostitution? Now I do realize that 'Golddigger's" do come in all races, but it seems to be unproportionality in favor of African American females. 
             I don't want to turn this into a Black women bash session but reading that article got me to thinking about some REAL reason why some of my fellow African American Males date & sometimes even marry outside of our race. I really don't care what race you marry but personaly, I LOVE BLACK WOMEN.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Death of Osama Bin Laden

        So now that you all have had time to soak everything in, I feel its time for me to give my take on this little peace of history. On May 1, 2011 The worlds Most Wanted Terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Great job Seal Team 6. Now, I in no way shape or form support, condone or glorify ANYTHING that this man has done in his life. But I have a slight problem with the way that we as Americans reacted to it, with so much joy & celebration. Their were MASSIVE Celebrations across the United States, every from West Point Military Academy to Times Square even strip club parties. Now I know that i'm not the only one who feels as if all of this is a little bit overboard. For all of you who are saying they burn our flag & celebrate our deaths, Do 2 wrongs make a right? FUCK NO. How can we in one breath call people barbaric for promoting & celebrating death & then we carry on in the streets until the early morning hours over killing a mad man. Please don't get it confused, this shit is very far from over. The "War on Terror" doesn't stop with Osama Bin Laden's death. I can tell you what I am waiting to celebrate though, is the day that my friends & family in the Armed Services come home from those BUSHshit wars. I for one don't blame President Barack Obama for not releasing the death photos of Osama Bin Laden. The man has  7.62 caliber bullet hole above his left eye, that can't be  pretty sight for kids to see on the evening news. Besides, the faster we forget about this maniac the faster thing s can get back closer to normal.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Black Baby Doll White Baby Doll Debate


           I don't know about the rest of you but when it comes to my daughter playing with a baby doll, color ISN'T a factor to me. It honestly hurt's me to see & hear stories of African American people boasting & bragging about how they only buy Black dolls, figurines & action figures for their children. How can you have the nerve to practice ANY kind of racism, knowing the history of our people. Have you forgotten Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech? And I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you, BUT I never mind being the bad guy. When your precious little Pro Black militant in training goes to school, their going to play with Black, White, Asian, Mexican & every of other race that attend that school. Thank you Brown V. Board of Education for that. And not to mention the multiple races of toys that are on hand at any school. Now I fear that this behavior may stem from Kenneth & Mamie Clark's "Doll Study" Experiment of 1939 & 1940, where little black & white children were given black & white baby dolls & asked to pick the pretty one (among other questions). The majority of the kids chose the white dolls, including the black kids. Please dont let the bi-product of yesterday's ignorance, drastically influence your actions toward your child today.