Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trayvon Martin, Innocents Lost

          Unless you've been living under a rock for since the New Year or watching Fox News, you must have heard about case murder of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. In case you haven't heard about it CLICK HERE, go ahead ill wait....... Now That you're caught up, isn't that some Bullshit?

         A 17 year old kid walking home at night with a bag of Skittles & a Iced Tea gets SHOT & killed , while begging for his life, by "Neighborhood Watch Captain. NOT the Police, Not a Rent-A-Cop, but a Fucking Neighborhood Watchman. But the icing on the cake is that he didn't get arrested because he claimed to have killed Trayvon Martin in "Self Defense". That is right a 28 year old man killed a 17 year old boy for NO LEGIT FUCKING REASON AT ALL, and got off on the shit. This is some old Jim Crow type shit, but some of y'all sleep on that to though, don't worry ill school ya on that later.

             I'm not a name caller (OK maybe I am) but this guy George Zimmerman has shown a history of Racial Profiling. And on this night his 911 Call's did nothing to prove the opposite. I have no choice but to believe that this would & could not have played out the same if the races were reversed. The story just doesn't add up. Their are numerous witness statements that contradict his "Self Defense" Claim. But the Sanford Police just choose to disregard that evidence, for whatever reason.
             The whole Self Defense/ Stand your Ground Law in the State of Florida is hazy in itself. Sure on the surface the law sounds pretty straight up, but what you don't notice is any language about having to go into court & prove SHIT. You use to have to prove your use of force was absolutely necessary, but now you don't. This guy said that him & Trayvon got into a tussle & he shot him because he felt threatened & the debate rages on about which application of the law George Zimmerman falls under in this case Yeah you smell the Bullshit to, don't you?

             The saddest part about this whole case, besides the lax media coverage, is the fact that it basically took online petitions & pleas from the public for ANY type of Law Enforcement to start to "investigate" this crime. But now that the FBI, Justice Department, & Fl State Attorney are "investigating" the matter we should see some justice. That is if we don't forget about this like we did Sean Bell & Oscar Grant.

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