Thursday, April 12, 2012

Black America in The Barack Obama Era.

                 November 8, 2008 was suppose to be the day that Black America changed (Along with the rest of the United States). But I ask you this question, Did it Really Change? I'm a man that prefers to deal in facts, so lets take a look at the most important shit. President Barack H. Obama has been in office for 4 years now & is up for Reelection. Once again the Black (& Minority groups) vote will most likely decide if he wins another 4 years in office. The question that I ask that seems to be sort of a subject of Taboo is, "What has Barack Obama done DIRECTLY for Black people". Don't beat me up with the "He cant just make legislation for Black people" shit. All types of other groups have DIRECTLY benefited from legislation he has signed or had influence over. (I'm not hating or trying to marginalize any other group but facts are facts) I admit the Fair Sentencing Act was a direct benefit to Black people. We can even go back to his senate days with the Deceptive Practices & Voter Intimidation Prevention Act that directly benefited Black America. But that's really about it. I don't expect a flurry of new Civil Rights Bills, but damn can we get something?
                 Now I hear you critics talking about the backlash he would get from doing such legislation but ask yourself this, what White Legislator wants to risk losing the Black Vote in his District by talking to harshly about Obama & that kind of legislation? Our vote is way more valuable than you realize. And to those who say is it fair? Shit, probably not but every other race looks out for each other. Bush signed a bunch of unfair Tax Cuts to benefit his people. But y'all forgot about that. And if all else fails they just going to have to be mad.
                I do recognize the fact that we indirectly benefit from some Legislation like the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. And President Obama did sign an Executive Order establishing the White House Office of Urban Affairs. But it would be nice to have something DIRECTLY benefiting Black People, like Gay people, Unions, Banks, Auto Industry, Vets, etc....
                But I cant totally blame President Obama for this problem though. I have to blame Minority Voters in general & the fact that damn near everyone voted in the Presidential election but where did you go during the Mid-Term elections? I told you earlier that I deal in facts so I recognized that Obama has hell dealing with Republicans that he has to "work" with. Had we voted like we did in the Presidential elections we would most likely be in a better situation than we are in now. I know everyone is going to vote later this year, but please continue to vote in every election that you can & do the proper research on the Candidates so that you can vote for the person who will best benefit you & your people. FYI, I'm talking all this noise but i'm still voting for Barack H. Obama. Because I truly believe that the US would be better off under him than silly ass Mitt Romney.

*********As you may know (or maybe not) a whole slew of Bullshit New Voter ID Laws have been enacted or revised across the nation so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't wait to the last minute to research what is now considered "Proper ID" in your respective state. (Click  here to research what's considered Proper ID in your state) *******************

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