Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Time to Move Forward with President Obama.

            This past weekend our President Barack Obama, "Officially" kicked off his 2012 campaign for re-election. I ,like most people, wasn't overly hyped for this event in history as I was 4 years ago when President Obama launched his bid for for his initial 4 year in office. This is not a cause for alarm, but it is a alarm for people to wake up & get ready for the fight that is coming up. Keep in mind that when President Obama launched his 1st campaign people were just hyped at the prospects of having a Black President in a country that was built largely on & through Racism. For a long time NO ONE thought that was possible. That was until November of 2008.
          4 years later & the nostalgia  of the 1st Black President has worn off & he is "just another politician" in some peoples eyes. But to others, he is in the fight of his life for another 4 years as President of the United States of America. Now the thing is that WE elected Barack Obama as President & also elected (or failed to vote against) a Republican majority into Congress. That move alone shows that the nostalgia quickly faded or that people just really didn't understand what voting in a mid-term election meant. Next time around I hope we don't make that mistake again. A side affect of those mid-term failures is the creation of Super PAC's & various BS Voter ID Laws. Even though the money isn't rolling in for President Obama like last time i'm still not worried. I'm not worried because I have faith in America.
           Me myself, I've been both critical & supportive of President Obama's policies once he was elected. I, like most, brought into the campaign slogan of  "Change" championed by the Obama Administration in 2008. Imagine my shock when Mr Obama sign the Bush Tax Cuts Extension. Republicans went hard over those tax cuts & those cuts are a major factor in why the economy is in bad shape. Now to his credit President Obama  has signed a lot of legislation that has helped to improve the state of the nation.
          Some people may still ask, "What has Barack Obama done to get reelected?" I cant lie, there hasn't been boat loads done but there has been some strides made to correct the mess that Bush left in his lap. And the prospects of what he can accomplish really impresses me more than anybody else in the running. I once heard the "Solutionism is the new Optimism" & I see Solutionism written all over President Obama. It's time to move Forward folks. And over everything else.........Do you really think that Mitt Romney can do any better? Mitt Romney = #EPICFAIL

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