Tuesday, May 15, 2012

LGBT Rights ARE NOT the Same as Civil Rights

     As of late, a  lot of attention has been paid to LGBT Rights with the main focus being Marriage. I'll let it be known right now that I can care less if LGBT folks have the right to get married or not. Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about anyway. Marriage hasn't been sanctified since the 1st divorce & 1st instance of infidelity. Now what I do take issue with is when people try to relate LGBT Rights to Civil Rights. The struggle that ensues because of Racial hatred CAN NOT be related to that of a Sexual Preference.
      One reason for thinking the way I do about this subject is the fact that a person chooses to be Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, or Transgendered, but we have absolutely NO control over what race you are. So being that you have absolutely no control over the basis in which you are discriminated against (Race), how can you even try to relate discrimination based on a Sexual Preference? YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!
         The Civil Rights struggle endured DECADES of widespread violence, segregation, & flat out hate across the entire nation. And there was absolutely NOTHING that anyone could/can do to disguise your race in an effort to avoid such harsh treatment. LGBT people have the opportunity to conceal their Sexual Preference in order to avoid said treatment & violence. And like I stated earlier, Racially based violence was & is a widespread trend across the nation for decades but the LGBT struggle is relatively new & no where near the struggle of Civil Rights. For the most part they don't even experience the same type of struggle that Civil Rights Pioneers went through. I have yet to see a Pride Festival broken up using German Sheppard's & Fire Hoses.
       My last argument is the fact that their are absolutely NO FEDERAL LAWS pertaining to LGBT rights, only State Level Laws. After decades of widespread violence & discrimination President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into Law. George H.W. Bush even signed another Civil Rights Act into Law in 1991. In these 2 main peaces of Civil Rights Legislation  there is absolutely NO language making reference to LGBT rights, so how can you continue to try & relate the two? YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!
            LGBT Rights & Civil Rights are two very different struggles & they should be treated as such. I wont deny that LGBT people go through struggle & strife, but it does not compare to that of Civil Rights. I honestly feel as if trying to group the two struggles together actually downplays the struggle of the LGBT community. It also denies LGBT Rights the attention that it truly deserves. Can you imagine the history that would be made from a LGBT Rights Act? The true question is which President would draft & approve such an act.

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