Thursday, May 17, 2012

What happened to all the Positive Black Role Models?

       Where have all the Positive Black Role Models gone to? Sure the most polarizing one is President Barack Obama, but becoming president of the United States is realistically a far stretch for anyone. Especially a Black man. Back in my younger days we had neighborhood guys that helped to show kids that they don't have to run, shoot, or throw a ball to be successful in life. But now a days it seems like those guys have disappeared or just stop giving a shit.
       When you go into most Black neighborhoods these days you have to look hard to find the Doctors, Lawyers, (Legit) Businessmen, & Teachers. But you don't have to look to far or hard for the Jack Boys, Drug Dealers, & Gamblers. I cant leave out the guys that where awesome in sports but never made it out of the hood. I'm not putting down anybody that chooses to live that way, but we need to show our youth that there are other options out there for them. The younger we show them the better.
       I ask the question, "What the fuck is going on in the hood?". I cant pinpoint the exact answer but I can say that a lack of Black Fathers & Role Models is a huge part of it. When you are absent in the lives of the youth then naturally they will look for something or someone to fill that "Role Model" void. And to add to that the Coaches, Counselors, & Teachers that were filling that void are getting old & not enough Black men are stepping up to fill the gaps. Of course we can turn on the TV & see guys like Eric Holder, Micheal Eric Dyson, & Kasim Reed & draw inspiration from them. But to be honest the message is stronger and means more when you can realistically relate to the role model. Most Black Males in our community are your everyday 7am-6pm workers & are to tired when they get home to do ANYHING. Lets be honest for a moment, this life is not really interesting to a young man who sees the Dopeman make his Dad's yearly salary in a week.
      What we need in our community is for more programs with successful Black Men & those striving for success to go back into the community & show the youth that "Yes, I came from rags to riches & so can you". And I don't mean no BS outreach programs that are championed & supported by Politicians that will be up for election soon. I mean programs that utilize people from humble beginnings to prove to the youth that becoming a College Graduate & gainfully Employed is realistic & worth putting in the work.
       Most of all, we need more Black Men to step up & be FATHERS instead of a sperm donors. Stop letting those Child Support payments & shopping trips take the place of you being in your child's life. Kids need love, guidance & affection more than Jordan's & Levi's.

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