Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The REAL reason Why Black Women are Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?

               1st of all let me just say, Are you fucking kidding me?  For those who are still in the dark, a  Evolutionary Scientist by the name of Satoshi Kanazawa wrote a blog post claiming that Black women are less physically attractive than other races because of their high levels of testosterone.  Whatever, I'm not going to turn this into a bah session on him because there's been enough of that already.. I'm in no way a Evolutionary Scientist & my college degree is in Public Administration, but I grew up surrounded by  Black women & I can tell you why SOME are less attractive than other races. 
             First of all lets focus on the mouth of the Black women. You would (or maybe you wouldn't) be surprised to know what kind of words that are capable of coming from out of those pretty lips. Some of those words can be well deserved at times, but SOME Black women have a knack for continuously nagging or being verbally abusive for no absolute reason. That in itself can make a Black women less attractive.
             Another trait that can lead to SOME Black women being less attractive than other races is the "Golddigger" label. As old as a label as it is, it's still relevant today. I can't tell you how many times that I have PERSONALLY witnesed young & older ladies gravitating towards the gentleman who appear to be "Balling". Some even go as far as to say statement's like "I ain't fucking for free". Excuse me ms., isn't that prostitution? Now I do realize that 'Golddigger's" do come in all races, but it seems to be unproportionality in favor of African American females. 
             I don't want to turn this into a Black women bash session but reading that article got me to thinking about some REAL reason why some of my fellow African American Males date & sometimes even marry outside of our race. I really don't care what race you marry but personaly, I LOVE BLACK WOMEN.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Death of Osama Bin Laden

        So now that you all have had time to soak everything in, I feel its time for me to give my take on this little peace of history. On May 1, 2011 The worlds Most Wanted Terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Great job Seal Team 6. Now, I in no way shape or form support, condone or glorify ANYTHING that this man has done in his life. But I have a slight problem with the way that we as Americans reacted to it, with so much joy & celebration. Their were MASSIVE Celebrations across the United States, every from West Point Military Academy to Times Square even strip club parties. Now I know that i'm not the only one who feels as if all of this is a little bit overboard. For all of you who are saying they burn our flag & celebrate our deaths, Do 2 wrongs make a right? FUCK NO. How can we in one breath call people barbaric for promoting & celebrating death & then we carry on in the streets until the early morning hours over killing a mad man. Please don't get it confused, this shit is very far from over. The "War on Terror" doesn't stop with Osama Bin Laden's death. I can tell you what I am waiting to celebrate though, is the day that my friends & family in the Armed Services come home from those BUSHshit wars. I for one don't blame President Barack Obama for not releasing the death photos of Osama Bin Laden. The man has  7.62 caliber bullet hole above his left eye, that can't be  pretty sight for kids to see on the evening news. Besides, the faster we forget about this maniac the faster thing s can get back closer to normal.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Black Baby Doll White Baby Doll Debate


           I don't know about the rest of you but when it comes to my daughter playing with a baby doll, color ISN'T a factor to me. It honestly hurt's me to see & hear stories of African American people boasting & bragging about how they only buy Black dolls, figurines & action figures for their children. How can you have the nerve to practice ANY kind of racism, knowing the history of our people. Have you forgotten Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech? And I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you, BUT I never mind being the bad guy. When your precious little Pro Black militant in training goes to school, their going to play with Black, White, Asian, Mexican & every of other race that attend that school. Thank you Brown V. Board of Education for that. And not to mention the multiple races of toys that are on hand at any school. Now I fear that this behavior may stem from Kenneth & Mamie Clark's "Doll Study" Experiment of 1939 & 1940, where little black & white children were given black & white baby dolls & asked to pick the pretty one (among other questions). The majority of the kids chose the white dolls, including the black kids. Please dont let the bi-product of yesterday's ignorance, drastically influence your actions toward your child today. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where is the change President Obama?

           It seems as if there is misconception surrounding the people who critique or question President Barack Obama's policies and actions. Most African Americans who do it are said to be "bashing" him or not giving him enough time. When a white person does it, some would go as far as to call them racist. (Everything dealing with Black People isn't about race) I for one agree with some of the Presidents actions but I still am VERY critical of him because of the campaign that he ran. Most people forgot that the whole theme behind the campaign was change & honestly there hasnt been much in the two years he has been in office. Dr. Cornel West is the latest, and probably the most influential, person to realistically look at & critque what is going on in the Obama Administration. Ironically, the White House isnt concerned with WHY he is critical & what can be done to resolve the issue. They choose to focus on why he didn't try to approach them in a closed door behind ths scenes type of meeting. Doesn't that sound like the way that things are normally done in DC, what happened to transparency & CHANGE. The other reason that they seem to be concerned, is because Dr. West has a large influence in the African American community.  If someone of his stature were to back a different candidate, that would be disastrous to the Presidents Re-election bid.  We dont expect him to be "Super African American Man", but at least focus on some of the points that you campaigned (& got elected) on. I know he has a opposing party to work with but so did Reagan, Clinton, & Bush and the still overcame that because they held true to their title as  Commander & Chief not Compromiser & Negotiator.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We Have Got To Do Better

         As  PROUD Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University GRADUATE, I feel a little bit personal about this post. We as a people must do better to help uphold the image of the African American people in positive manor. I say that to say this, we have got to stop supporting ignorance & condoning inappropriate public behavior. We have all these so called "Reality Shows" where the people on there at times seem more scripted & staged more than the day time Soap Operas that my grandma use to watch. When you represent these Institutions of Higher Learning, you represent everyone associated with them in one way or another so you have govern yourself accordingly. There is place & time for everything. Instead of uploading footage of "wild shit" why don't you upload footage of the protests & rally's of real people who's pensions, jobs, and salaries are on the line because of pending legislation. Or when you are BLESSED enough to be on a certain level where you are seen by so many people, that you display the utmost respect for you, everything, and everyone that you represent.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Food For Thought.

             In light of the recent Al Sharpton & Cornel West verbal sparing match, I got to thinking about something that most people don't even think about. While where out here looking for President Barack Obama to be this Super African American Man, he isn't the 1st ethnic head of state in the world. You see it is the United States & it's fucked up perception of they way thing's should be that is the problem here. I to have been critical of him & his administration but, at the same time we have to be realistic with him.We as a nation must REEVALUATE  the way that each & everyone one of us thinks about EVERYTHING. Understand if your being feed bullshit or Prime Rib.

******Let me get one thing straight now before there are ANY MISUNDERSTANDING about me, I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM AFFILIATED OR SUPPORT ANYTHING THAT THE TEA PARTY AS GOING ON. If you don't like it you can keep that to yourself because I really don't care.**********

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is the GOP trying to sabotage President Obama?

With the constant threat of a Government shut down in the horizon, I started to think WHY? Could it be possible that the GOP be trying to sabotage President Obama's re-election bid already? It sure seems so. The GOP never made a peep when President Bush raised the debt ceiling but when President Obama did it they couldn't stop talking. Now they want to implement another short term "Band-Aide" budget that will fund the Government for a week. WTF. I have no doubt that when election time nears, the GOP will try to pin this whole budget mess on him, when in fact its the GOP who is being unreasonable. Keep your eyes, ears, & mind open folks.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Barriers to Marijuana Legalization (Part 1)

                 Marijuana Legalization will be a debate that I believe will never end, especially when it get legalized AGAIN. Marijuana was not originally outlawed until 1913 in the state of California, how ironic. Then in 1914 by the state of Utah, motivated mainly by prejudice toward Mormons. By the year1930, 30 state's had outlawed Marijuana, but most of it was based on racial prejudice toward Mexicans & African Americans.  The Federal Government got involved in 1937 with the "Marihuana Tax Act", which didn't expressly outlaw possession of Marijuana. What it did was impose a massive fine of up to $2000 or up to 5 years in jail depending on the amount in your POSSESSION. Now keep in mind that in 1914 The Harrison Narcotics Act was signed into law. This legislation placed a tax on the SALE of Opium & Cocoa leaves or their derivatives. So I could legally buy some cocaine but not marijuana. It's a shame what a racist mentality can ultimately lead to. STAY TUNED MORE TO COME, THIS IS ONLY THE INTRO.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Generation of The Entitled

          Over the years I have come to notice a disturbing trend that I like to call the "Generation of the Entitled". This is that younger generation that walks around with the mindset that the world should be given to them & that their word is law. Even more, most of this generation is Rude, Arrogant, Lazy, & Conceited.  We have all seen them around everywhere we go. In the class room it's the kid who has the audacity to tell a teacher that "My Mommy & Daddy tax dollars pay your salary".  In the stores it's the person who you see mindlessly scanning credit card after credit card looking for the one with an available balance so they can get the latest BCBG pump and Coach hand bag. I'm not an opponent of showering your child or anybody with money & gifts but we should also teach our kids the value of a dollar, hard work & respect. If you see a disrespectful child follow them home & I bet you fill find a disrespectful parent. On the flip side of that some parents do nothing at all to discipline or correct their child when they see them behaving badly. The only way to stop this trend MUST start in the home & community. Whatever way you see fit to raise your child is your business, but don't get mad when your kid's teacher calls & say that they are becoming a classroom problem, if you do nothing to curb that "Generation of The Entitled" attitude.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Time For A Change

       Sometimes a few bad eggs can spoil the whole batch. I say that to say this, not every Black person acts or thinks the same way. So don't try to approach us as such. Now I will admit that there are more than a few Black folks that do absolutely nothing to discredit or change those views, but I'll get to them in a minute. Sometimes I run across random incidents where I see black people talked to or handled in a way that would suggest that they are of a lesser uneducated class. This has to stop IMMEDIATELY. Whoever the God is that you worship made everyone equal, so you should approach one another as such.
       Now there is a certain class of Black people who still live in that field nigger mentality & accept the treatment. Then they have the nerve to say what they "is & ain't gone do", knowing damn well that they most likely would accept the treatment again. This also has to stop IMMEDIATELY. I'm not calling for civil unrest but instead I'm calling for an equal level of respect between the two sides. This also can pertain to inter-racial interactions.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ralph Nader Calls for Ending Athletic Scholarships

Now Mr. Nader why is this a problem to you? Where you one of those kids in high school who thought that you were the next great athlete of your era & couldn't even get a offer by a Division 3 Program? How about you focus on something else like ways to fund more college scholarships. Instead one of the ways that provides young people with ways to fund their education.

Ralph Nader Calls for Ending Athletic Scholarships

Florida Judge Defends Decision to Apply Islamic Law in Tampa Case - FoxNews.com

The Florida Supreme Court & The United State Supreme Court have both made similar decisions. So why is this even a topic of discussion? IJS

Florida Judge Defends Decision to Apply Islamic Law in Tampa Case - FoxNews.com

Families of men shot dead by Miami police get their say. MiamiHerald.com

Growing up in South Florida, I had 1st hand experience with seeing all types of foolishness in Broward, Dade, & Palm Beach counties. I don't condone killing people period, but we should take time to look at all the details involved with each case before we just start to condemn the police involved. Most of the police involve killing's were committed by officers on specialized task forces, SWAT, ICE, GANG Task force, etc....... That being said, it's not like these are regular patrol cops out on the beat shooting people who are going to check their mail. Here's a tip to ALL criminals, when you see a cop coming don't each for anything & you just might get a chance to make it to trial instead of your hommies pouring out a little Hennessey in your memory.

Families of men shot dead by Miami police get their say - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random Thought / Food For Thought

       I don't know about how you guys feel, but my Zodiac sign didn't change. I don't care what ANYBODY say i'm still a GEMINI, not a Taurus. What difference does it make how far the stars move.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stricter Abortion Notice Rules for Minors Advance

When I was growing up the saying went, Kids are having Kids. But in 2011 it seems as if Babies are having Babies. It really bothered me when I read about people opposing Rep. Kelli Stargel's sponsorship of a bill that would make it harder for teens to forge & falsify documents that their parents must sign in order from them to get an abortion legally. Now abortions are a touchy subject no matter who is involved, but isn't their something wrong when theirs opposition to legislation aimed at protecting our kids?
I admit that their is a whole list of things that should have been addressed in that young ladies life leading up to the point where she considers an abortion. But if it reaches that point shouldn't the parents be involved? There is legislation in some states give parents jail time for crimes that their kids commit or if they miss to many days of school. You mean to tell me that you can go to jail for your kid, but certain people have a problem with Ms. Tina knowing that her daughter Gina is about to have an abortion next week. Its something seriously wrong with that logic there.

Stricter Abortion Notice Rules for Minors Advance

Florida court system facing $72.3 million deficit

Its seems as if The Florida Court's system is facing a $72.3 million dollar deficit. Now the kicker s is that Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Canady say that the reason for the deficit is a "shortfall in court filling fees for mortgage foreclosure cases that have drastically declined'. Really, so you mean that the Florida Court's system was banking on the housing market crashing so that court clerks could avoid work furloughs? I guess that this new "Taj Mahal" court house in Tallahassee, Fl has nothing to do with it.

Florida court system facing $72.3 million deficit - WTXL ABC 27

Monday, March 21, 2011

Where Have All the Sports Heroes Gone?

As I was browsing the internet reading various stories, I came across this interesting story about the state of athletes & social action. There seems to be a huge gap between today's athletes & being Socially Active. Back in the early days their was players like Jim Brown & Muhammad Ali that you would speak out & be heard when things in society weren't right.
But in 2011 those kinds of athlete are few & far between. You have people like Alonzo Mourning & Warrick Dunn who do contribute to various programs that focus on single parents, diseases, & things of that nature. But in an age of retracted statements & political correctness, no one seems to want to speak out to loudly against a social ill because they don't want to be portrayed negatively. In a society where image is everything, when & who will stand up for whats right instead of "what looks right"?

Where Have All the Sports Heroes Gone?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Random Thought / Food For Thought

                Could it be that the Federal Government is loosing so much money from revenue streams such as the Post Office , that they are trying to make up for it by monopolizing thing's such as health care & cutting back on salaries of their employees across the board?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dane County, WI Judge halts Collective Bargaining Law

Am I the only one who thinks that their is a major problem with politics as they stand today. When did it become good policy to balance your budget on the salaries of Public Servants, Police, & Teachers. Most of these people live check to check & cant afford ANY type of pay cut & should be given raises for the work that they do. It's not only problem in Wisconsin & Florida, but it's becoming an epidemic across the United States. At least the Honorable Judge Maryann Sumi in Wisconsin saw that there was a problem with Governor Scott Walker's newest legislation that realistically stripped Wisconsin Labor Unions of their right to negotiate salaries, benefits, & whatever else they felt the need to negotiate. She granted an injunction that temporarily blocks the law from being enacted, until they can further determine if any laws were broken in the process of developing this law. Now I've always been told that adults solve their problems with words, but it doesn't seem like the Wisconsin Governor want's to handle things that way. We live in a democracy & not a dictatorship, everyone should have the right to "collectively bargain" when they have a issue with another person or organization. Or we could just handle things like the Libyans & Egyptians, which would you like Mr. Politician?

Dane County judge halts collective bargaining law - JSOnline

DOJ to white male bullying victims: Tough luck - Washington Times

Considering that the bulk of bullying in schools is centered around the smaller, weaker, & unpopular kids, why is race even a factor in 2011. I wont deny that ALL races are subject to some sort of bullying. That being said, we should scale back the focus of race & start focusing on the factors that lead to bullying. Only then will there be a realistic diagram to work from in order curb the problem of bullying. Sometimes we forget that not everything should be judged as a race matter & look at the REAL cause of the issue.
DOJ to white male bullying victims: Tough luck - Washington Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

Armed Robbery in FAMU

So you mean to tell me that there was a robbery on FAMU Campus today & the Text Alert System basically failed to do its JOB. Now I don't know about the rest of you, but in my day's on "The Hill" things didn't work much better.Its past time for my Alma Mater to get thing right. Now I wonder how any students will try to register for the text service now instead of continue to talk shit. We gotta work with them to get FAMU where it needs to be.

[UPDATE] Armed Robbery in FAMU

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A.K.A. Chapter declines Florida's 1st Lady Ann Scott's invite to attend a reception held at the Governors Mansion

                Now One the outside looking in, some would say that these young ladies should have apologizes & accepted the first lady's invite but I understand their small protest. It seem's that Governor Scott made a remark about growing up poor that seemed to offend some members of the Black Caucus. I'm not to sure about how the Governor was raised but I do know that no one is raised the same way as the next person. Mr. Scott probably should not have said those controversial remarks but he is a politician, can you blame him for being out of touch with his base? At least the 1st Lady & the Sorority came to a peaceful resolve & decided to have the reception at a neutral site, City Hall. How Elegant.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

White House Considers Tapping U.S. Oil Reserves to Combat Prices - FoxNews.com

It seem like every year since gas went above $2.00 a gallon, that the Federal Government considers tapping the Oil Reserves but never do. I understand the need to have a reserve on hand for the "Rainy Day" but if it's feasible then why not tap them like a keg at a frat party.

White House Considers Tapping U.S. Oil Reserves to Combat Prices - FoxNews.com

Wisconsin Senate passes union limits despite Democratic walkout - CNN.com

Why is it that Most state feel as if its OK for them to Balance their books on the backs of the workers who do the most for the least amount of pay?

Wisconsin Senate passes union limits despite Democratic walkout - CNN.com