Friday, September 21, 2012

The Infamous 47%

        So by now you must have heard about the Republican Presidential Candidate Willard Mitt Romney's controversial remarks regarding 47% of the US Population who pay no taxes. If not Click Here & check it out, go ahead i'll wait......... Now that your caught up you can CLEARLY see that this man is not fit to serve as Commander & Chief of this Great Nation. But Romney didn't stop at insulting 47% of the nation, he also sounded clueless & totally insensitive to a very unstable situation in Israel. "Let the chips fall where they may', what kind of Foreign Policy is that for a Presidential Candidate to be pushing on the campaign trail?
        Now before I get totally in bash Romney mode, I wanted to take a deeper look at who exactly the 47% that Mr. Romney was talking about not caring or worrying about. That 47% includes College Students, Soldiers, Old Folks, & the Working Poor. But what Mr Romney fails to mention is that these very folks folks still pay some kind of tax to Uncle Sam. But they wont tell you or them very wealthy folks that either. In one sentence Romney proved to America that he actually does not give 2 shits about the Working Class,  Poor People or the Elderly. If you think things are bad now, just imagine if this guy wins the election. In the words of my father, "AH PURE FUCKERY".
        Candidate Romney went on to say that in order to win he only has to sway 5-10% of the Independent/ Undecided Voters. I don't know about y'all but I feel insulted by him even feeling comfy enough to plot on taking over the nation like this. But i'm not sure if those numbers are still true after this video got leaked (S/O to the mufucka who leaked this shit). Republicans have been distancing themselves from Romney since the video got released & I don't blame them. Nobody likes hanging around the losers.
        Now to be honest he was telling the truth in saying that 47% of the nation doesn't pay taxes, but they have a pretty darn good reason. THEY BARELY MAKE ANY MONEY. The bulk of these people are barely making it check to check & a even larger number of these households are headed by a Elderly person (Technically they may have paid a Income Tax at some point in their long life). Most of these household bring in well less than $30,000 a year & as everyone knows, that Salary barely pays the bills  takes care of the kids.
        Long Story short, Mitt Romney does not give a shit about YOU. YES YOU the so called Republican who is living check to check & all your associates are voting for Barack Obama. But since you are a Hard Lined Republican you can't see that the last couple of Republicans that ran or won the Presidency totally fucked up the country or had a fucking horrible vision for it. And i'm pretty sure the rest of the 47% knew how Mitt Romney felt about us, i'm just glad that the rest of the nation sees it now to.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gay Marriage: A Political, Social, or Religious Issue

       The topic of Gay Marriage has been burning up the Media since President Barack Obama officially voiced his support for it. A lot of folks have come out in support of the president & his stance on it, but a lot of negativity has been voiced as well.  Like I stated in previous posts, I really don't care if Gay people can get married or not. I just don't think that ALL their needs can be addressed though Civil Rights as we know it. This brings me to my question & topic for this post, Is Gay Marriage a Political, Social, or Religious Issue?
       When you look at the Politics behind supporting or opposing Gay Marriage it all boils down to one thing, VOTES. The main reason that President Obama came out in support of Gay Marriage  is to secure the LGBT vote. If you look at his record, President Obama has always supported Civil Unions & Legislation aimed at supporting the Gay community. But he waited until he was in an election year & his reelection campaign had officially started before he voiced his support. But I cant hate because it worked & now he is reaping the benefits of his move. Now Mitt Romney, on the other hand, vehemently opposes Gay Marriage & we see how unpopular he is in the LGBT community. Honestly, politicians have made this a Political issue solely because of the large number of voters that makes up the LGBT Community & those votes cant be ignored.
       The Social Issues associated with Gay Marriage aren't as big as the Political & Religious issues. Mainly because the American society has grown to accept the whole LGBT Lifestyle. This is evident  by some states already having Laws allowing for Gay Marriage & Protection of the Gay community. Society use to frown upon Gay people, but now they are freely accepted just like everyone else (for the most part).
         More than ANYTHING, Gay Marriage should, in my humble opinion, be viewed as a Religious issue. The most widely used scripture to combat the whole LGBT lifestyle is Leviticus 18:22 (KJV), "Thou shalt not lie with Mankind, as with Womankind, It is abomination". Some other versions & translations make reference to Lesbian acts as well. It sounds pretty straight forward, RIGHT? Now if you read the verse in the context of the passage, instead of by itself, some may say that it relates  to some forbidden idolatrous  activity in a Pagan Temple from which the ancient Israelite's must separate themselves from. Which interpretation you chose to believe, is yours to make. The Black Church, for a long time shunned homosexuality, until their Choir Directors positions started getting taken over. Now most of them just turn a willing blind eye to it.
             All in all, Gay Marriage is a Social, Political, AND Religious matter that really needs to be addressed head on instead of being used as a tool in Politics & tricked into believing that their needs can be addressed as Civil Rights as we know it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What happened to all the Positive Black Role Models?

       Where have all the Positive Black Role Models gone to? Sure the most polarizing one is President Barack Obama, but becoming president of the United States is realistically a far stretch for anyone. Especially a Black man. Back in my younger days we had neighborhood guys that helped to show kids that they don't have to run, shoot, or throw a ball to be successful in life. But now a days it seems like those guys have disappeared or just stop giving a shit.
       When you go into most Black neighborhoods these days you have to look hard to find the Doctors, Lawyers, (Legit) Businessmen, & Teachers. But you don't have to look to far or hard for the Jack Boys, Drug Dealers, & Gamblers. I cant leave out the guys that where awesome in sports but never made it out of the hood. I'm not putting down anybody that chooses to live that way, but we need to show our youth that there are other options out there for them. The younger we show them the better.
       I ask the question, "What the fuck is going on in the hood?". I cant pinpoint the exact answer but I can say that a lack of Black Fathers & Role Models is a huge part of it. When you are absent in the lives of the youth then naturally they will look for something or someone to fill that "Role Model" void. And to add to that the Coaches, Counselors, & Teachers that were filling that void are getting old & not enough Black men are stepping up to fill the gaps. Of course we can turn on the TV & see guys like Eric Holder, Micheal Eric Dyson, & Kasim Reed & draw inspiration from them. But to be honest the message is stronger and means more when you can realistically relate to the role model. Most Black Males in our community are your everyday 7am-6pm workers & are to tired when they get home to do ANYHING. Lets be honest for a moment, this life is not really interesting to a young man who sees the Dopeman make his Dad's yearly salary in a week.
      What we need in our community is for more programs with successful Black Men & those striving for success to go back into the community & show the youth that "Yes, I came from rags to riches & so can you". And I don't mean no BS outreach programs that are championed & supported by Politicians that will be up for election soon. I mean programs that utilize people from humble beginnings to prove to the youth that becoming a College Graduate & gainfully Employed is realistic & worth putting in the work.
       Most of all, we need more Black Men to step up & be FATHERS instead of a sperm donors. Stop letting those Child Support payments & shopping trips take the place of you being in your child's life. Kids need love, guidance & affection more than Jordan's & Levi's.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

LGBT Rights ARE NOT the Same as Civil Rights

     As of late, a  lot of attention has been paid to LGBT Rights with the main focus being Marriage. I'll let it be known right now that I can care less if LGBT folks have the right to get married or not. Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about anyway. Marriage hasn't been sanctified since the 1st divorce & 1st instance of infidelity. Now what I do take issue with is when people try to relate LGBT Rights to Civil Rights. The struggle that ensues because of Racial hatred CAN NOT be related to that of a Sexual Preference.
      One reason for thinking the way I do about this subject is the fact that a person chooses to be Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, or Transgendered, but we have absolutely NO control over what race you are. So being that you have absolutely no control over the basis in which you are discriminated against (Race), how can you even try to relate discrimination based on a Sexual Preference? YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!
         The Civil Rights struggle endured DECADES of widespread violence, segregation, & flat out hate across the entire nation. And there was absolutely NOTHING that anyone could/can do to disguise your race in an effort to avoid such harsh treatment. LGBT people have the opportunity to conceal their Sexual Preference in order to avoid said treatment & violence. And like I stated earlier, Racially based violence was & is a widespread trend across the nation for decades but the LGBT struggle is relatively new & no where near the struggle of Civil Rights. For the most part they don't even experience the same type of struggle that Civil Rights Pioneers went through. I have yet to see a Pride Festival broken up using German Sheppard's & Fire Hoses.
       My last argument is the fact that their are absolutely NO FEDERAL LAWS pertaining to LGBT rights, only State Level Laws. After decades of widespread violence & discrimination President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into Law. George H.W. Bush even signed another Civil Rights Act into Law in 1991. In these 2 main peaces of Civil Rights Legislation  there is absolutely NO language making reference to LGBT rights, so how can you continue to try & relate the two? YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!
            LGBT Rights & Civil Rights are two very different struggles & they should be treated as such. I wont deny that LGBT people go through struggle & strife, but it does not compare to that of Civil Rights. I honestly feel as if trying to group the two struggles together actually downplays the struggle of the LGBT community. It also denies LGBT Rights the attention that it truly deserves. Can you imagine the history that would be made from a LGBT Rights Act? The true question is which President would draft & approve such an act.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man. GTFOH

****These are my own personal thoughts on the "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man" philosophy. This is not a diss on the new Steve Harvey movie directed by FAMU Alum Will Packer.*****

      I applaud any & every effort to empower, enlighten, & positively encourage any Race or Sex, BUT if a woman realistically thinks that she can think like a man then that woman has truly LOST HER FUCKING MIND. Being the product of a single mother home (for the most part) gives me a tad bit of insight into the Manly role that a LOT of women have to play in today's society. So I do realize that some women have to take on a mans role, but that doesn't translate to thinking like a man. My mom taught me a lot about life as I grew up through her kind (& sometimes harsh) words & actions. But even she knew that there was just some things that she couldn't teach me. As a strong Black Woman she accepted it & like other strong women she made a way for me to learn what she couldn't teach me. She also made sure that I was surrounded by Men that could "show me the ropes". 
     Steve Harvey didn't write his book in order to give you women the secrets of the Male mind, he wrote it to make money off the low self esteem women that think this will give them deep insight into how not to get hurt again. I will agree that some useful info can be found in that book but the title leads some women to believe that it's possible, when it's really not. The book also serves as a warning sign for some women because you fail to see the obvious when dealing with the opposite sex. 
      From my reviews of the book, I don't see anything in there that us guys wouldn't consider "Common Knowledge" or G-14 Classified, but as some people say "Common Sense isn't Common".  So for the women out there that think they hold the key to the Male psyche in their hands........THINK AGAIN. Thinking like a man includes a lot of accepting BS, tolerance of Female habits (from Men & Women), Humility, & a whole lot of other things that would take me way to many posts to list. But I can give you info thirsty ladies one major tip that I think will help you greatly when dealing with the opposite sex, THINK LIKE A WOMAN. If God wanted you to think like a man then he would have made you one. Don't get caught up in trying to guess what he's thinking & trying to react before he acts. We will only put up with so much of your nagging, guessing games, accusations & BS, before we make you a statistic (Non-Violent Statistics). 
           Lastly, my #1 reason that I say Women cant think like men is because we have a little used 2nd brain called a Penis that makes the tough decisions for us. And the last time I checked, God didn't make Penises standard issue for Women. LOL

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Time to Move Forward with President Obama.

            This past weekend our President Barack Obama, "Officially" kicked off his 2012 campaign for re-election. I ,like most people, wasn't overly hyped for this event in history as I was 4 years ago when President Obama launched his bid for for his initial 4 year in office. This is not a cause for alarm, but it is a alarm for people to wake up & get ready for the fight that is coming up. Keep in mind that when President Obama launched his 1st campaign people were just hyped at the prospects of having a Black President in a country that was built largely on & through Racism. For a long time NO ONE thought that was possible. That was until November of 2008.
          4 years later & the nostalgia  of the 1st Black President has worn off & he is "just another politician" in some peoples eyes. But to others, he is in the fight of his life for another 4 years as President of the United States of America. Now the thing is that WE elected Barack Obama as President & also elected (or failed to vote against) a Republican majority into Congress. That move alone shows that the nostalgia quickly faded or that people just really didn't understand what voting in a mid-term election meant. Next time around I hope we don't make that mistake again. A side affect of those mid-term failures is the creation of Super PAC's & various BS Voter ID Laws. Even though the money isn't rolling in for President Obama like last time i'm still not worried. I'm not worried because I have faith in America.
           Me myself, I've been both critical & supportive of President Obama's policies once he was elected. I, like most, brought into the campaign slogan of  "Change" championed by the Obama Administration in 2008. Imagine my shock when Mr Obama sign the Bush Tax Cuts Extension. Republicans went hard over those tax cuts & those cuts are a major factor in why the economy is in bad shape. Now to his credit President Obama  has signed a lot of legislation that has helped to improve the state of the nation.
          Some people may still ask, "What has Barack Obama done to get reelected?" I cant lie, there hasn't been boat loads done but there has been some strides made to correct the mess that Bush left in his lap. And the prospects of what he can accomplish really impresses me more than anybody else in the running. I once heard the "Solutionism is the new Optimism" & I see Solutionism written all over President Obama. It's time to move Forward folks. And over everything else.........Do you really think that Mitt Romney can do any better? Mitt Romney = #EPICFAIL

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Black America in The Barack Obama Era.

                 November 8, 2008 was suppose to be the day that Black America changed (Along with the rest of the United States). But I ask you this question, Did it Really Change? I'm a man that prefers to deal in facts, so lets take a look at the most important shit. President Barack H. Obama has been in office for 4 years now & is up for Reelection. Once again the Black (& Minority groups) vote will most likely decide if he wins another 4 years in office. The question that I ask that seems to be sort of a subject of Taboo is, "What has Barack Obama done DIRECTLY for Black people". Don't beat me up with the "He cant just make legislation for Black people" shit. All types of other groups have DIRECTLY benefited from legislation he has signed or had influence over. (I'm not hating or trying to marginalize any other group but facts are facts) I admit the Fair Sentencing Act was a direct benefit to Black people. We can even go back to his senate days with the Deceptive Practices & Voter Intimidation Prevention Act that directly benefited Black America. But that's really about it. I don't expect a flurry of new Civil Rights Bills, but damn can we get something?
                 Now I hear you critics talking about the backlash he would get from doing such legislation but ask yourself this, what White Legislator wants to risk losing the Black Vote in his District by talking to harshly about Obama & that kind of legislation? Our vote is way more valuable than you realize. And to those who say is it fair? Shit, probably not but every other race looks out for each other. Bush signed a bunch of unfair Tax Cuts to benefit his people. But y'all forgot about that. And if all else fails they just going to have to be mad.
                I do recognize the fact that we indirectly benefit from some Legislation like the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. And President Obama did sign an Executive Order establishing the White House Office of Urban Affairs. But it would be nice to have something DIRECTLY benefiting Black People, like Gay people, Unions, Banks, Auto Industry, Vets, etc....
                But I cant totally blame President Obama for this problem though. I have to blame Minority Voters in general & the fact that damn near everyone voted in the Presidential election but where did you go during the Mid-Term elections? I told you earlier that I deal in facts so I recognized that Obama has hell dealing with Republicans that he has to "work" with. Had we voted like we did in the Presidential elections we would most likely be in a better situation than we are in now. I know everyone is going to vote later this year, but please continue to vote in every election that you can & do the proper research on the Candidates so that you can vote for the person who will best benefit you & your people. FYI, I'm talking all this noise but i'm still voting for Barack H. Obama. Because I truly believe that the US would be better off under him than silly ass Mitt Romney.

*********As you may know (or maybe not) a whole slew of Bullshit New Voter ID Laws have been enacted or revised across the nation so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't wait to the last minute to research what is now considered "Proper ID" in your respective state. (Click  here to research what's considered Proper ID in your state) *******************

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trayvon Martin, Innocents Lost

          Unless you've been living under a rock for since the New Year or watching Fox News, you must have heard about case murder of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. In case you haven't heard about it CLICK HERE, go ahead ill wait....... Now That you're caught up, isn't that some Bullshit?

         A 17 year old kid walking home at night with a bag of Skittles & a Iced Tea gets SHOT & killed , while begging for his life, by "Neighborhood Watch Captain. NOT the Police, Not a Rent-A-Cop, but a Fucking Neighborhood Watchman. But the icing on the cake is that he didn't get arrested because he claimed to have killed Trayvon Martin in "Self Defense". That is right a 28 year old man killed a 17 year old boy for NO LEGIT FUCKING REASON AT ALL, and got off on the shit. This is some old Jim Crow type shit, but some of y'all sleep on that to though, don't worry ill school ya on that later.

             I'm not a name caller (OK maybe I am) but this guy George Zimmerman has shown a history of Racial Profiling. And on this night his 911 Call's did nothing to prove the opposite. I have no choice but to believe that this would & could not have played out the same if the races were reversed. The story just doesn't add up. Their are numerous witness statements that contradict his "Self Defense" Claim. But the Sanford Police just choose to disregard that evidence, for whatever reason.
             The whole Self Defense/ Stand your Ground Law in the State of Florida is hazy in itself. Sure on the surface the law sounds pretty straight up, but what you don't notice is any language about having to go into court & prove SHIT. You use to have to prove your use of force was absolutely necessary, but now you don't. This guy said that him & Trayvon got into a tussle & he shot him because he felt threatened & the debate rages on about which application of the law George Zimmerman falls under in this case Yeah you smell the Bullshit to, don't you?

             The saddest part about this whole case, besides the lax media coverage, is the fact that it basically took online petitions & pleas from the public for ANY type of Law Enforcement to start to "investigate" this crime. But now that the FBI, Justice Department, & Fl State Attorney are "investigating" the matter we should see some justice. That is if we don't forget about this like we did Sean Bell & Oscar Grant.